Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where can you find a good marathon training program?

If you have been searching for a marathon training program online, you might have found a lot of information. Perhaps more than you can handle.

Finding an excessive number of sites telling you that they will help you to become the greatest runner ever is simply overwhelming. I am sure that everything is useful to some degree and might help you to improve your performance in this type of competition. As a result, I decided to talk about a training program I found which I think is really helpful because of its content.

Jill Bruyere
This program was created by a runner named Jill Bruyere, who  lives in Seattle and has been into this kind of competitions for a long time now. She has run in Maui, Washington DC, Seattle, Boston, New York and Chicago and she is dedicated to train individuals for running success, weight loss, triathlons and sports performance.

Her program is designed to help you beat your personal record (if you have one) or to set a reachable goal (if you are about to run for the first time). She will teach you to train with quality instead of overtraining and to do it in an organized way. 
In my opinion, the best thing is thay you will be receiving advice from a person who has already taken the concepts into practice. She preaches by example, her insights are real, and her experience and knowledge are captured here.

The other thing I think is great about her program is that she includes some other material which is a complement and which will also help you to reach your goal. These materials include some nutritional tips, some advice on how to prevent or control injuries and a checklist of the activities to do in the day of the competition.

I hope you already decided to get this this marathon program. But the most important thing is that, whichever program you choose, you commit to yourself, train very hard and when the day of the race arrives, you enjoy your run!

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